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Looking for some guidance

Hi All

I'm new to this forum so let me know if this is not the correct place for this post.

I was wondering if there were any support groups in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne for partners of depression/anxiety sufferers (apologise if my terminology is not PC).

I've been stubbornly dealing with life by myself as I don't have a friend network that I can talk to. Lately that hasn't been working so well and was I looking for a potential face to face group to share experiences with and learn some coping strategies.

Any advice appreciated! Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Re: Looking for some guidance

Hi @Ontilt1971

MI can be isolating, finding good supports makes such a difference. Learning (mor importantly, putting into practice) good coping and self care skills helps improve all areas of our lives.

The other forum members have been ever so helpful and we understand the challenges each of us face despite different diagnoses.

There are a number of groups that offer free support to carers - as it is carers week you might find they will have some things on offer that might be helpful (but response times may be variable).

Carers Victoria - offer a number of free carer counseling sessions and provide other supports.

Wellways (mental health specific) run really good programs for carers

Grow (MH specific) also run carer groups in Victoria


Re: Looking for some guidance

Hi @Ontilt1971,

You can also research psychologists in your area and then ask your GP to refer you. The GP has to create a mental health care plan (MHCP) for you.

I'm a carer for someone with a different mental illness, and talking one-one with a psychologist has been very helpful. The psychologist appointments are covered by Medicare under the MHCP, six appointments per year plus an extra four if the psychologist recommends.

GP will need a reason for the referral, 'not coping' is a possible reason, plus you could also be at risk of depression and anxiety yourself. The key is finding a good psychologist. Try an online search for Psychologist, Bulk Bill, Western Suburbs of Melbourne. Some of the bigger groups have photos and a bio of each psychologist so you can look for particular specialisations.

Re: Looking for some guidance

Good morning @Ontilt1971 and welcome to the forums. Being here on the forums is one way I battle the isolation that comes from being a carer in circumstances such as these ..... just receiving that touch of compassion and understanding when the going is really tough can make a very real difference to your coping ability.

Re: Looking for some guidance

Good morning @Ontilt1971 and welcome to the forums

How are you today , I have found the forum very helpful for me and it has helped me to help my husband who has MI

Re: Looking for some guidance

Hi All

I know that I am not the only one but I am still struggling. Maybe it is the time of the year. At the moment my partner is having issues with my 14 yr old daughter who has come to live with us. Unfortunately I am now stuck in a position of trying to decide if I should leave or stay. It is hard to tell sometimes if my partner wants me here or not. I am constantly asking myself if I should stay or go. I love my partner and if it was just me I think that it would be easier. Unfortunately my ex is not in a position to have my daughter with her but I'm worried about how my partner's behaviour will affect my daughter. Do I ride out the Tsunami or run away???

Any thoughts?



Re: Looking for some guidance

Hi @Ontilt1971 and welcome to the forums.

It sounds very difficult.

I have had a “should I go or should I stay ?” situation for some time ...... I have finally made a decision to stay, under a changed relationship arrangement.

In the course of making that decision I consulted various support services so I could make the most informed choice that I could. I would suggest you speak with 1800Respect -

They can put you on to other services if they feel there is another one that can serve you better.

In saying that, I have found the social support of the forums here invaluable through all the ups and downs it has taken to try to come to terms with my situation, and it is just so important to know that you are not alone.

Pleased to meet you, and please let us know how you go ......

There may be others here with similar circumstances who share what they did, or are doing, and why. That is helpful too.

Re: Looking for some guidance

Hello @Ontilt1971 Heart

Re: Looking for some guidance

Hi There

Re: Looking for some guidance

Hello @Ontilt1971, how has your weekend been my friend xx

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