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Senior Contributor

Panic attacks

I'm HAVING a panic attack and even though I am trying to tell myself it's not real ... It can't hurt me. It FEELS soooo real and I'm scared.

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Re: Panic attacks

Hi @RG01, apologies for not seeing this thread earlier.  I hope the panic attack has now passed.  It sounds like you're doing the right thing in terms of your self-talk - reminding yourself that it's panic rather than a heart attack or something else that will physically harm you.  But, yes, whilst in the midst of the episode it can be hard to believe.

Are you also working on your breathing?  That can help to bring your heart rate down and reduce some of the other physically distressing symptoms you're feeling.  Focusing on longer exhalations brings your nervous system back into balance.  And counting your breaths helps to keep your focus away from the more fearful thoughts. 

This Psych Central page has some good information about what's happening physically (so it's easier to convince yourself of what's really happening) and some good tips about what to do when it happens.  Maybe print this out if you can and have it somewhere handy?

How are you feeling now?


Senior Contributor

Re: Panic attacks

Hi Susanne <br>I'm exhausted but feeling much more comfortable. My dear friend took me to the chemist - I actually bought a Nasal spray as opposed to cold b flu meds- cos they increase anxiety and that's the last thing I need. I also took half a Sedative and that's kicked in and I'm feeling .... Well... SILLY really. At least I feel I've managed to find a few ways to combat this. Tools.. I'll definitely look up the link you sent. Thank you for taking the time to respond- I'm trying to stay in tune with me breathing too
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