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"A multitude of small delights constitutes happiness"
- Charles Baudelaire


The quote is from a free/no-ads Android app called Presently, that prompts me every day to briefly record one thing I am grateful for. Some of my entries are one word.


It's about 15 months of doing it so far. I have become a little happier in daily life than I was before I started. If you run out of ideas, you can get a short prompt. Very simple to use.


Tiny or big, one by one, these little grateful thoughts add up in me to a better overall feeling about my life.


@eth @Exoplanet @Appleblossom @greenpea @outlander @Shaz51 @bipolarbunny @Adge @Sophia1 @Faith-and-Hope @HenryX @Leggs @MDT and all.




Re: Presently



Thanks Mazarita, I will try it out

Cheers, HenryX

Senior Contributor

Re: Presently

Such a lovely thought @Mazarita 


I live my life looking for small beautiful ideas and events to stock my inner precious garden 


It is in the play of light and shadow the we find reality



Senior Contributor

Re: Presently

@Mazarita  Thanks Mazzy I like that and it is very true xxxHeart

Community Guide

Re: Presently

Nice one mazzo @Mazarita
Thanks for the tip

Re: Presently

@Mazarita Remembering to be grateful helps me reframe old events, and also communicate with more positivity, (I than otherwise possible.


Re: Presently

Hi @HenryX, happy to hear you will give it a whirl.


Hi @Owlunar I love that idea of the play of light and shadow being the place to find reality. "Small beautiful ideas", yes.


Hi @Appleblossom lovely to hear you are in connection with gratitude as well.


Hi @greenpea @MDT 


Smiley Happy

Re: Presently

Good tobsee you maz 🙂

Re: Presently

You too, my friend  @MDT. You are still Hamso to me. Enjoy the rest of the day. Smiley Happy

Re: Presently

Hey @HenryX  @MDT 

Smiley Happy

@Mazarita I particularly loved @Owlunar way of expressing herself too.

One way for me getting in touch with gratitude is allowing the "half smile" to rise up from my heart through my throat and into my face.  With it can come pleasant images or memories.

Hugs Ladies.@greenpea


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