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Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

Yikes @Sophie1, trust meds kick in soon and Ms S more comfortable.  

Hope you can concentrate on work ok. 

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

@Former-Member Just been driving around for last 6hours to work and appts for Ms S .. finally have referral and pain killers for Ms S .. and psychiatrist appt tomorrow at 10am that I will drive Ms S to as I don’t trust her judgement re ability to drive when on painkillers ... another weird working remotely from the office day into the evening for me tomorrow .. lucky my work is so flexible I’m sooooo exhausted ... can’t keep my eyes open - will have a couple hours sleep then work into the evening ... haven’t felt this tired in ages 

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

@Sophie1  ... trust you do get in some good rest.  

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

Hope that goes well for you @Sophie1

Work I was in was also flexible like that, I have many times worked into the late evening/ early morning to catch up after taking time out for darlings appointments so understand how hard it is.

Hope it all works out for ms s also. 

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

@Determined I felt a bit of self pity today - like how come she gets to sleep and take drugs and I just get to drive around, be responsible and work late ... sigh ... I’m trying to at least stay on top of this thoughts by reminding myself being a caregiver is a choice and how much I love her and want her to be happier and healthier ... also by having moments in between to ease my day like a short arvo nap before launching into late night work session so I don’t get exhausted physically and also nice cups of tea and doing zombie work tasks in front of trashy tv shows so I feel like I’m relaxing a bit lol ... about other tips to ease these periods ???

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)


My strategy was to drink more coffee...

Not the healthiest approach lol. 

At the moment I am only working part time and studying. Have flexibility with assessments and can get by if I need to drop or swap a shift at work. 

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

Coffee is king @Determined ! We were supposed to go to pdoc appt this morning but Ms S woke up vomiting due to migraine ... sigh so another day with rest and painkillers to try  and ease the migraine for Ms S ... plus side I can start my work earlier and finish earlier - planning a sneaky swim at local pool this arvo as a reward ... Ms S even suggested the idea for me 🙂 how are you today ? 

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

Busy day here.

I have an out of town councilling appointment today but have to now take a dog to the vet before I leave so have gone from a relaxed doable day to 🤯

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

@Sophie1 ☝️

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

@Sophie1 trust ms s is feeling a bit better and you have had a chance to catch up on some much needed rest. 

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