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Re: Frogs Everywhere

No, there are no Frogs anywhere near me @greenpea @Shaz51 @MDT

It's far too dry & hot in Perth (WA generally, actually).

Frogs are only at the large Lakes or permanent water-bodies.

The creeks & small rivers dry up during Summer (except small pools).

No water flows, except in Winter (when there is enough rainfall).

If you want to see or here a frog here - you must hunt (look) very hard for one - eg at Lake Monger (large lake).


Re: Frogs Everywhere

Love, love, love this thanks @Shaz51 xxx


Re: Frogs Everywhere


this frog on on my kitchen bench 




contentment 2.jpg




Re: Frogs Everywhere

nah @greenpea
We have lizards. A different form of animal haha. I try to feed them banana. There is a blue tongue who occasionally makes an appearance to sun bake. We also get drop tails and the odd gecko here and there. Lots of native birds too. Rosellas and parrots. Cockatoos are as well and you can always hear them screeching haha. Or appearing on the balcony railing at 5 am to wake us up. They are learning not to after my sister had a go at them haha

Re: Frogs Everywhere

hey @Adge
Yeah i remember we had a frog or two at our old house. There was a lot more shade and damp in the garden. A few in the pool sometimes. They used to scare me haha.

Re: Frogs Everywhere

Sharing your cuppa @Shaz51 !!

Love it x

Re: Frogs Everywhere

haha @Shaz51
He wanted a cup of tea i think

Re: Frogs Everywhere

Occasionally I see one of these Lovely Geckos, in my backyard @Shaz51 @greenpea @MDT Or in my electricity Meter Box (at front door)....

No it's not a Frog....

Touching Reptiles¦Geckos, Skinks and Snakes | Western ...

Re: Frogs Everywhere

What a lovely gecko @Adge  xxx 

Re: Frogs Everywhere

Yes Geckos are lovely @Shaz51 

Not this Gecko - it's a serious Pest in Australia.

The Asian House Gecko - apparently it's the most common Gecko, in Brisbane Qld.

Asian house geckos: to love them or hate them ...

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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