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Re: The Highlight of Your Day thread

That’s so great @TheVorticon 😀. A good highlight indeed. 


My highlight. I just got home after my eldest son shouted me tea in the city. It was a lovely night with 5 of us. I had a lovely feeling of just enjoying the young adults company. The conversation was good and the dinner delicious. 

Re: The Highlight of Your Day thread

I had a great moment last week that I would like to share


I was at my doctor's clinic and there was a young couple with baby twins - girls - and they were so little and cute and while their Mum was dealing with the paperwork I chatted with their Dad - so easy to praise up the good work with such beautiful babies


I was just soaking up the oxytocin - I can get really clucky in my old age but it's okay - there's nothing I can do about it but I enjoy little babies that have yet to unfold and just snuggle into their parents - I remember it


My old cat used to like being a baby sometimes and would snuggle like that - we all need such a snuggle-fix at times even if we just watch it


Yes - I had my own babies - they are hard work but that oxytocin - ah yes



Re: The Highlight of Your Day thread

It’s extra lovely when you see/have the cuddles and the good stuff and then hand them back @Owlunar 



just had an offer for respite in an art based program coming up. The timing is great (a week with hardly any appointments) and I didn’t expect to get in. Looking forward to it. 💜

Re: The Highlight of Your Day thread

Yes @Teej 


It's wonderful to enjoy other people's babies - my daughter's step-sons have 7 children between them - I don't see  much of them but I really enjoy it when I do. I enjoyed cuddles with them - and they are all great kids


And to be honest I am glad I don't have to bring them home with me - I am past it by now 


That's great news about your art-based programme - the timing is perfect and the unexepected happened - you got in


It will be a great time to enjoy and express yourself - all the best with it - it will be really wonderful to spend time in such an event with other people who enjoy the same work



Re: The Highlight of Your Day thread

hello @Owlunar , @CheerBear , @Teej , @TheVorticon , @Snowie , @outlander , @Bimby2 , @Former-Member , @BlueBay , @eth , @frog , @greenpea , @Former-Member 

highlight of my day today




Birds 2.jpg



Birds in my garden

Re: The Highlight of Your Day thread

Love seeing posts in this one 😊 Looking forward to seeing your birds @Shaz51.

The highlight of my day is that it has been sunny and warm enough to wear a singlet around today. Spring can be so nice here!

Anyone else have a highlight?

Re: The Highlight of Your Day thread

hi all,


@CheerBear , the highlight of my day is my seven year old trying to stay home from school to look after me because i am not well physically and mentally. he was a little upset i still sent him to school and i loves his kind heart but i want him to have a childhood not worry about me like i had to do for my mum. but still its sweet he wanted to do it.

Re: The Highlight of Your Day thread



I have had a few struggles with symptoms this week. Been quite unwell and not being able to keep my normal routine.


But today pushed myself out of the house and went to work. And so glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone. Had a lovely day and can't be happier

Re: The Highlight of Your Day thread

awww that is sooo sweet @Former-Member , and he will be back home soon xoxo

hello and hugs @wbpd1500 Heart, way to go my friend

sometimes it is hard , my mr shaz sometimes just does not want to get out of bed , but he pushes forward xx

Re: The Highlight of Your Day thread

The highlight of my day today was being given an awesome surprise in a ticket to see Backstreet Boys next year. Super excited to time travel back to my pop princess days 👸😆😁 (and 8 whole months to get over the anxiety of going somewhere that busy and loud again)! Very yay day today!

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