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Social Spaces

Re: Young Adult Space

Yeah fair enough @zeek

I joined because of my depression and wanting connection. 

Re: Young Adult Space

hows that been
made any meaningful friends on here?

Re: Young Adult Space

Re: Young Adult Space

Hello @Birdofparadise8 

Tagging here @Gina2 who from memory is in the right age bracket.

I am far too old for this space 😀

I hope you all strike meaningful connections.

Re: Young Adult Space

Hi @Bon_courage 

Hi @Gina2 


Hahaha @Bon_courage PSW I would say are allowed but the space as a whole for everyone else is 18 to 25. 

Re: Young Adult Space

Is this the place @Birdofparadise8 ?  

Re: Young Adult Space

Yes @Sunnyside226 

Re: Young Adult Space

Nice do we talk about anything or something in particular ? @Birdofparadise8  

Re: Young Adult Space

Anything @Sunnyside226 

I was hoping it would become a closed-off space just for young adults. We just have to wait and see how many want to chat on here. 

Re: Young Adult Space

I like it @Birdofparadise8  how have you been? 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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