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Social Spaces

Re: Young Adult Space

I'm not saying this to upset anyone or anything  but it's hard for others to have a conversation for with them   by the time they come back around to me the shift is over  I don't see how that is fair on anyone else    


if I told you I wanted to hurt myself or do something to myself nobody would care because everyone else  jumps in and says they are suicidal @Birdofparadise8  

I honestly just want to cry my eyes  I want to run away from this world  it feels like I don't belong here 

Will you be around or are you off to bed?

Re: Young Adult Space

Yeah, I know. I do understand how you feel. Sometimes there is no response, but it's not about you it's about how busy they all are. I know how hard it is to realise that. 

You don't want to hurt yourself, do you? 

You belong here. You might just need to get to know people more and ask questions. 

I was about to go to bed. The football is over and Carlton won. 

You're an amazing person okay @Sunnyside226 

Re: Young Adult Space

Oh @Sunnyside226 

Please call a helpline if your thoughts get too loud. 

I do hope you won't do anything tonight so we can talk at the weekend. 

Re: Young Adult Space

Are you okay @Sunnyside226 

Re: Young Adult Space

Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that @Sunnyside226 

Please know we are here for you. Can you call a helpline? I don't want anything to happen to you. 

I'm really worried about you. Are you safe right now? 


Re: Young Adult Space

@Birdofparadise8   I called a line the rude person left  Tyme and them are busy with others   



Re: Young Adult Space

Can you call Kids Helpline? They are very good 1800 55 1800 @Sunnyside226 

I would highly suggests you call them before you try and do something to hurt yourself. 

Re: Young Adult Space

Hey @Sunnyside226 , 


I'm here. I tagged you in another post earlier, because I'm not exactly a 'young adult'.. so I don't belong here.


I've sent you an email.

Re: Young Adult Space

@tyme , I thought it was okay for staff to be in here. 

Just the contributors, etc 18-25. 

Re: Young Adult Space

@Birdofparadise8  did you want to talk?   My mind won't stop running   I'm alone  I don't have the guts to call anyone   

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