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Something’s not right

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

Sorry to hear you're feeling so low @Birdofparadise8 I hope the movie helped lift your spirits a little? I love that film, and can't wait for the sequel!

Re: Not Coping

Thanks @Jynx 

Mmm, not sure. I was just thinking about how my brain would be like and how the sadness is taking over and "joy" isn't there. It would be a lot of effort for her in my brain, but yes I'm going to see in next week. 

How are you?

Re: Not Coping


I hope you're okay. I've been thinking of you. 

I'll be around for a bit longer if you want to chat. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 Maybe your 'Joy' is just a little lost? The recipe for joy still exists in your brain chemistry, it's not something that once lost, can never be remade. 


Ooh neato! I wanna see that, and also Furiosa!! Apparently it's really good 😁


I am going ok, just lots going on ya know? But we keep on keeping on 😉

Re: Not Coping

Yeah maybe just lost @Jynx. It doesn't help with have a heap of external things happen all at the same time. Maybe it's a good thing to ask my psych about. It just sucks, that's all. I feel so much like sadness from the movie. She was so relatable. 

What is neato? 

Yeah, I saw some family stuff came up. I hope everything is okay now. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 yeah life's challenges tend to come in waves don't they! Yeah deffo worth chatting to your psych - perhaps you could have a therapeutic goal of finding and creating more joy in your life 😊


Neato is you going to see Inside Out 2! If that's what you said? 


Aww thanks hun, yeah things are improving thankfully. 

Re: Not Coping

Yeah, I will see what he says. 

Yes, I am going to see it. 

All good @Jynx 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

Noice @Birdofparadise8 let me know what you think of it!! 


I'm off for tonight, catch you next time hun 😊💜

Re: Not Coping


If you don’t see me around and I don’t reply. You’ll know why same thing from last week. 
Sorry I won’t be around to chat. I’ve made another mistake. 

Re: Not Coping

whats wrong , @Birdofparadise8 , are you ok xx

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