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Something’s not right

Re: Not Coping


What is meds shed? 
It was alright the interview went well. I was very tired so came home and had a nap as I didn’t sleep well last night. That new med is only a short term effect and doesn’t last during the night. 
Ah okay I’m sure as long as you can say something there should be some resolution and if not you can go to HR. 
what types of jobs do you do? 
it’s okay I know your busy. 
thank you are too kind 👸🏼🥰👑🌸🫂

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 lol that was me tupu g quickly and not checking punctuation! It was meant to say "meds she'd picked up for me"...duh!"

Glad the interview went well and I hope you had a better sleep last night (Thursday night)

I'll be thinking of you when you do your exam but I'm confident you will do well as you are a very smart princess 👸 💕 

I work for a transport company and most of the work is booking pick ups and deliveries for freight going to various places across WA. Some of the things we have to do are quick and easy and if we have an early run, ie a truck leaving at 11am for instance, we have to focus on getting paperwork together for the drivers. If we are doing early runs we don't have to answer the phone and for some reason no one likes answering the phone. So because K is her friend D will give her the early work and make me take phone calls. I don't mind answering the phone but when you're trying to concentrate on counting and calculating weight and dimensions of the freight it gets frustrating. D knows K doesn't like taking phone calls so she gives her the early stuff. Or if D and K are chatting about non work stuff and the phone rings they'll make me answer it.

I'll be speaking to HR about it as well as some suggestions to help make things a bit easier. We'll see what happens.

Do you still catch up with your group.of friends you mentioned a while back? 

Do you have plans for the weekend?

I'm going to be doing house work, going to Bunnings and Coles but not much else. 

I might try make some soup, not sure yet. 

Take care, much love and hugs ❤️ 🫂 👑💐👸💙

Re: Not Coping

@Glisten ha ha love it! 

How did the chat go? I got out of work at 5.50 and popped in to see mum. Got home around quarter to 8 and have washed and changed but not had dinner. I might have some soup 🍲 

How was your day overall?

Re: Not Coping

@ENKELI  you didn’t have dinner with your mom? Soup sounds good. The Group Chat was good. Really good.

 I always get useful information from the subjects and I get hangout with other people with ADHD and that is great.


Re: Not Coping

All good @ENKELI 

I did sleep okay, though I woke up a few times. I'm very tired, though. I hope this new antipsychotic isn't making me more sleepy. I've had a nap this morning and yesterday. I never nap. It's so weird. 

Thank you. It's from 14:00 to 17: 00 yay, three hours, lol. 

Ah, okay, that makes sense. I'm sorry you're stuck with the phone calls, but hey, at least you get to talk to people then. What type of calculations do you have to do? Do you use a program, or do you have to use math to work it out?

You're doing well for speaking up about what's happening. I'm proud of you. I hope HR will help you. 

Well, I'm unsure if we will be on Sunday or not as one of them is sick. 

What type of soup? I have a delicious potato and cauliflower soup recipe. I can't eat pumpkin soup as it makes me sick and I don't know why. 

I hope you've had a good day so far. 

I've got corned beef in the slow cooker for dinner. I can't wait it smells so good. What are you doing for dinner? How is your dad? Also, what size tin of apples do you use for your muffins?

Re: Not Coping

Hi @tyme 

How are you?

Did you receive my reply from Tuesday?

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 how's your day been?

I got out of work early for a change, the last few weeks I was invited to stay back and have a drink but they didn't invite me tonight. 

I'm feeling rather depressed at the moment, I think it stems from being lonely. I also have a headache which isn't helping. 

How was your day? How do you feel you went on your exam?

I used Coles pink lady tinned apples 410gm tin.

I'll send the link to the recipe later x

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 the recipe. It also includes recipe for the topping. I haven't made the topping as I got a cinnamon sugar mixture from ex friend that I use.

And I use tinned apples not fresh.


Re: Not Coping


Up and down. The exam was okay, but I got an email that was upsetting; my psych even tried to help with the situation when we had our session on Wednesday and when I emailed him today about it he couldn't believe it made it worse. They replied and won't get back to me until Monday, so I'm going to be thinking about it all over the weekend. Things are so unfair right now. I wish I could explain more. I'm sorry. 

I have to clean tomorrow as well as we have apartment inspection on Monday and my roommates aren't here to help so I'll have to do it on my own. 

Okay, thank you. 

I'm sorry you're feeling depressed. I'm here, so you're not totally lonely. 

Did you talk to HR today?

What does she mix together for the topping? Thank you. I will make them sometime in the next week. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 I didn't talk to HR but I spoke to K about how she and another worker excluded me. K apologised and after that the day went well.

It's D who will be the problem. I was talking about it with my brother and I started to get emotional but I have to work out whether I want to stay there. I can't go to HR about D as no matter what I say D will deny it and it will make my work life worse. I'll pray on it, which usually helps. 

The topping I have came from the bakery in a packet so I don't know how to make it.  I think it is probably the same as the recipe I sent. 

I'm sorry you can't talk about the issue upsetting you my princess, did you let your psych know your feelings about his response?

That sucks that you have to clean up on your own,  are the room mates away all weekend?

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