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Re: Really wobbly

Hi @frog - i also missed your posts earllier in the week 🙂
if you add an @ to the front of someones name it will usually 'tag' them and let them know that you've mentioned them. I'm happy for you to tag me. I've turned off most of my subscriptions these days because it gets so overwhelming with emails otherwise. I work full time as well so only usually get to things in the evening/weekends and have been a bit awol until recently just struggling a bit! I have ptsd/depression and other dx...

Wow - selling your house that is huge! Have you bought somewhere new? or moving very far? It is terrifying doing such big things like that, especially after having lived there for so long! I can't imagine that, have lived in the house we are in now for over 18 months but i think that might be the longest we've lived in one house for.. well ever! only renting now 😞 my ex lives in our house.
Glad to hear that you saw your psychiatrist and seems as though they're understanding and helpful! Glad that meds are helping too, though the situation doesnt change.

As outlander said, please feel free to jump into any of the social threads - people are welcoming and you won't be interrupting anything. people come and go out of those threads lots. Its a good way to get to know people too! And please keep posting here too! I'm sorry i missed this the other day! So glad i saw it pop up again because of outlnder today!
take care

Re: Really wobbly

Hi again @outlander @Former-Member @utopia @Shaz51 @Queenie I am still getting used to how the forums work so I don't know if it's the done thing to tag you all at once. Someone set me straight if I breach forum etiquette! I am having a better day chipping away at home stuff. I am interested in what lead you to the forums and whether you've also found support in your day to day life. Most mental illness is so misunderstood and misrepresented that I am reluctant to mention it. Unfortunately that makes me feel like people don't know me and then I feel alone. I have stumbled upon other online forums when looking for info on medication, weight gain, side effects etc. None of them seemed as friendly as these ones so this is my first venture into posting online outside fb. SANE seems like a solid organization with a good approach to reducing stigma. I am interested in some of the other forums here as I don't want to only be on here in Something's not right, useful as it is. Anyway, happy weekending.

Re: Really wobbly

im glad your day has been ok @frog


your not breaching forum guidelines. the moderators behind the scenes are also watching and will remove your post if theres something in there thats not suppose to be there.

well i have anxiety, depression, complex ptsd and have recently been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.  i stumbled across the forums while i was looking for information on these things and was reading some information on here and then i noticed there was forums.

i originally came on here looking for information on how others deal with things, and extra support. i have no outside family that helps me and almost live at health professional offices.

ive been here for almost a year now and im so glad i found here. its the best thing that has happened to me and ive been 'walked' through many situations with the help of these wonderful forum members.

my support in my day to day living really is me and attending my gp once a week, my psychiatrist every 6 weeks now that my meds are stable- it was once a week, and i also speak to my psychologist every week as well, not to meantion being here as well.


SANE is the best forums. ive never found anythign else like here and everyone is friendly, supportive and encouraging which makes for a comfortable environment. 

ill tag you into a few of the 'chat' threads, they are more on the social get to know you side of things. feel free to take a look around though through the sections and see if theres anywhere else you would like to join into

Re: Really wobbly

to tag you all at once. -- This is a great way @frog, thankyou for tagging me , I have been thinking of you today Smiley Happy

Come and have a look around @frog

@outlander and I will tag you in some of the other threads if you like Heart

Re: Really wobbly

do you ahve any certain interests @frog

dogs? cats? sports? staying up late?

Re: Really wobbly

@frog. I agree with you. This forum is a unique, sage and friendly place to reach out to others.
I see some of the other members are going to 'tag' you to other threads. That should be a big help seeing what else is out in Forum land.

Re: Really wobbly

Hey, @frog. I came to these forums after working behind the scenes on other online forums. I felt as a staff member, I had no outlet to express my own problems, insecurities and challenges I have living with mental health issues myself. I originally came here after I saw an advert on tv. I thought "oh what the heck?" and gave it a go. I am glad I did. I still am a staff member on other forums, but I can come here anonymously and without judgement and type about my issues (well that was until someone I know in RL - real life, came on here and discovered who I am). 

I live with schizoaffective disorder (a combination of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder). I find these forums invaluable in the healing processes. It is also good to be supported (whereas on other forums I am the supporter) and not feel so alone. 

You can feel safe exploring Forum Land. We're a friendly bunch here. 🙂


Re: Really wobbly

Hi @frog - I'm sure we've met on another thread. Stumbled across this one and just want to lend my support to you. I can empathise with you on the home situation. I, too left my home of over 20 years through a marriage breakup. This house was built from scratch and recently renovated when things fell apart. 

I left and moved interstate. My ex stalked me there and I had to move again. After a year, I left Australia and lived in three different places. In the meantime, my ex decided he needed the money and wanted the house sold. I couldn't afford to buy him out. My children were living with him. He moved into rental accommodation with them and shortly after kicked my daughter out which was a terrible and traumatic situation for her. She ended up in a share house and after a while that was sold.

I ended up signing a lease on a townhouse with her so that I would have a place to stay when I visited instead of relying on friends. There was no way that my family would have me at their homes; neither did they help my daughter when she was left homeless. That in itself was a big deal. The paperwork was horrendous. References and proof of income made more difficult because I wasn't working, only had money in the bank. 

My mother passed away recently. She had moved into aged care prior to that and her home was vacant but again the siblings who had power of attorney would never contemplate me living there. They are supposedly trying to sell it. They would rather see me on the street and destitute than do something helpful. My sister even refused me to keep a few boxes of my belongings at her place whilst I was OS and wouldn't let me keep them in Mum's empty garage. My ex threw out most of my stuff when I was away. Apart from a few personal belongings and some clothes, I left everything behind. 

Six months ago I returned to Australia and so now my daughter and I live together. This hasn't been without its challenges. I do miss my former home. My son still lives with his father but I try to see him once a week. I usually lure him with the promise of a meal. 

I have no idea what the future holds and at times that scares me, less so now than it used to a few months ago. 

So, yes, it is difficult to up and leave especially having been in one place for a long time. Are you moving out of your neighbourhood? I gave my car to my daughter when I left as hers was written off when a 4wd backed into it. She needs it to get to work and I haven't purchased another one, being careful with my finances and also not really needing one so much as I don't go out much. 

Try to think of it as a cleansing and a chance to declutter. It really is amazing how little you need to function on a day to day basis. I wish you well. I know it's scary but you can get through it. 

Re: Really wobbly

Hi @outlander I have 2 dogs and 2 kids that keep me busy. I like reading and walking. I like gardening but am downsizing to tiny house and tiny patch of dirt - just enough for my old dogs. They lie around inside 90% of the time. I also like football (round ball ie soccer) because I used to play a long time ago. I support a few teams in different leagues, including the local women's team. What do you like doing?

Re: Really wobbly

It's great that you are supporting others as well as finding support @Queenie I need to reach out more for support, and I'd love to help others. I still feel like my life is super messy. I got the diagnosis - Bipolar 1, plus GAD - after 30 years of stumbling around in the dark. I've come to terms with it, but still trying to sort out medication, and also work out boundaries re who's safe to confide in, or not.

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