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Dialetical Behaviour Therapy

I mentioned in another thread last week that I had asked C's psychiatrist about DBT (dialetical behaviour therapy) and she agreed it was just what he needed.

I had heard about it from a friend who's daughter went through a program via CAMHS and had good results. We are going through the system privately as C hasn't done anything serious enough to be admitted to hospital and we don't seem to have access to these programs without that happening.

We have stopped seeing his current psychologist with a name of a new one who specialises in DBT. Would love to know if anyone else has had any experiences with DBT and can tell me a bit more about it than I can find out via the internet and through friends.

As an FYI DBT is a therapy for BPD (C also has bipolar which he is medicated for but his extreme reactions to some life events have pointed to BPD traits also).

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Re: Dialetical Behaviour Therapy

Hi @Sharonm

That's great you're going to start exploring different forms of therapy to help him, growing the support and keeping an eclectic support and practice system in place is essential for some people's management of their illnesses. I've had a look around the forums, and think that the LE side of the forums have a few members with direct experience, both positive and negative with DBT to treat their BPD. If you want to have a read through, feel free here, here  and there was a Topic Tuesday about BPD myths here. Feel free to ask questions too, I think some people are happy to help de-mistify what they can about the system.

Re: Dialetical Behaviour Therapy

Thanks! This is helpful!

Re: Dialetical Behaviour Therapy

Hi @Sharonm

I have BPD and I have done a year of DBT through a private clinic.  It was costly and intense.  And it was over an hour away from home.  It was very confronting and I did get emotional at times.  And it was challenging at times too.  We went through distress tolerance, emotional regulation and other stuff as well.  I did it two years ago and it was suggested to me that I do it a second time as then i would understand it better as it is hard to understand it the first time round.

I went weekly and saw a psychologist and then did 2 hour group every single week.  It was good but very draining afterwards.

I am at present trying to find another place that will do it closer to home.  I am seeing a new psyuchologist who deals with BPD next Monday, so i am going to ask her if she does group sessions DBT group work. 


Re: Dialetical Behaviour Therapy

Hi @Sharonm 🙂

How are you going with things @Sharonm?

Any further developments with C starting DBT?

DBT aims to help people change unhelpful ways of thinking and behaving while also accepting who they are. It’s usually used to help people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder however its not exclusively used just for BPD. It sounds as though the pschiatrist has acknowledged the potential benefits that could be achieved through DBT and you have seen good results for your friends daughter too. 

Is C open to exploring the process of starting it? 

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