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Re location

I personally have Bipolar/Depression.
I moved interstate a few years back.
Because we had many incedents police drugs domestics fights etc etc.
I thought i would be happy here.
I have tried meeting new friends helping in community gym bushwalking
My garden & helping my neighbors.
I seriously thinking of moving back to the state i ce from.
I just dont know if i am going to be doing the right thing.
I have built the garden up here from no garden.
I t looks fantastic & everyone says how great the place looks.
I know i am secure
I know i wont find a place anywhere near as nice as this place at the rent i pay.
I have my friends & some family that i have really missed since moving away.
I just dont know????
One thing is.
I have learnt from past experience.
Not to rush into anything.
Without thinking it through.
I am off this Wednesday for 4-8wks.
Up to the area i am thinking of moving to.
Sèe how i feel.
Oh then to its the expense of moving.
I kniw this isnt really a concerning issue!

Senior Contributor

Re: Re location

Hi 1731LC. May I ask why you're considering what I would refer to as a backward step? It seems as though you believe that where you are is not where your heart is. They say 'home is where the heart is', that saying often seems to be used when someone has the 'home sick' issues you appear to have. How long have you been living where you are? When we suffer bipolar/depression, or other major mental health issues, that can cause some anxiety when we try rebuilding after drastic situations you mention. You say you don't think it is a concerning issue, it is when you feel the need to write here. While you're on leave, instead of going back to where you lived, have a think about the reasons why you feel the urge to do this. Definitely weigh up the cost of relocating, but also the benefits of staying as opposed to relocating. You possibly would not live where you lived before anyway. It would also depend on what's available, rent etc. there's a lot to consider.
Not applicable

Re: Re location

Hi @1731LC,


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. It is not an easy decision isn't it?


I can see how you're weighing up the pros and cons but I'm sure you'll move forward with where your heart sits. Like you said, learnt from past experience and not to rush ito anything so take your time.


Every step we take is a process that makes our life journey with some more growth of wisdom whether we chose to take a straight or a windy road.


At least you know the forum is still accessible no matter where you move as long as you have internet and a device 🙂


Take care,

Re: Re location

Hi Pip.
Thanks for taking the time.
To respond to my concern.
I appreciate your msg.
I am off tmrw.
Looking frwd to catch'g up with my lovely friends.
I have missed so much.
My family has fallen apart.
It has been like this right through my life.
Which is sad.
I have tried with all family members & extended family members.
I am focusing on those things that will help me feel better.
Stay away from those people that drag me down.
I have a share accommodation that has been offered.
Until the rental becomes vacant.
Though i have decided to wait to the promised rental is vacant.
Rather then pack & move twice.
Especially the cost.
I could be waiting any time now until when ever.
2,4,6 months etc.
I can save in the mean time.
I know long term i am going into long-term rental.
With lovely owners.
That come highly recommend from my friend.
This same friend knows the owner.
Has recommended me to them.
The friend i talk about.
I have known about 15 years.
All is working out now.
I feel less stress, now that i have planned every thing down to the removalists.
I shall keep in touch.
God bless 👣

Re: Re location

Hi Sky.
Thanks for your kind message.
I have taking a while to think this through.
Not rushing.
I have sorted all now.
I am less stress now that i have decided.
If you can read the message sent to Pip.
It explains in more depth.
Kind regards 1731LC 👣

Re: Re location

Hi Sky.
Thanks again.
We have arrived on Gold coast 3pm this arvo.
Been spoiled rotten by my girl friend.
She means the world to me.
& we were Blessed when K came in to our lives.
We have known each other abt 4 yrs.
We become friends through doing a aged care course.
I shall be in touch.
So pleased to be catching up with my Great Friends.
God bless.
Take care 😆😇😆
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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