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Re: For The Love of CATS ❣️


Budget housing for cats 👍


Not applicable

Re: For The Love of CATS ❣️



Not applicable

Re: For The Love of CATS ❣️


Trust your Puddy Tat is settling in well.



Re: For The Love of CATS ❣️

@KEY  you might enjoy this social cat thread.

Re: For The Love of CATS ❣️

how is nelly going @Faith-and-Hope Heart

Hello @Former-Member , @Former-Member , @Smc@Adge , @Former-Member 


checkingin 1.jpg


Re: For The Love of CATS ❣️

Yes, I'm Waving back too @Shaz51 Without a cute cat (unfortunately)...


Re: For The Love of CATS ❣️

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Re: For The Love of CATS ❣️

Hello @Smc@Faith-and-Hope@Adge , @Former-Member , @Determined@Jay-e , @Former-Member , @outlander@greenpea , @Former-Member , @Icare20@iCare@Appleblossom 




Re: For The Love of CATS ❣️

Hi @Shaz51. 🙂
Found this pic of one of my childhood pet cats the other day. He knew that if he sat meowing outside our bedroom window, either my sister or I would lean out to bring him inside for warmth and lots of spoil-him-rotten scratches and stroking. DSCN6387.JPG

Re: For The Love of CATS ❣️

@Smchave to wait for the picture to appear 

my picture is what my missie looked like xx

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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