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Re: Not Coping

Hey @Birdofparadise8 I’m about to go bed early night
But while I am online just wanted to say hi and hope your ok
Would love a tv or movie rec for tonight if you have got one

Re: Not Coping

Well, without too much for the two online things. I feel like I'm being punished. They know how I feel about rejection, but they still do it to me anyway. 

I feel like everything is just mounting on top of each other. I don't see how I am going to get better with so many external things happening.  

Thank you @ENKELI 

I watched Lift last week @ArraDreaming 

Not good, but oh well. I hope you're okay. 



Re: Not Coping

Yeah I’m fine, just trying to spend less time online at night @Birdofparadise8 esp now I will be working full time. Family/partner time without distractions is important
Hmm will check the trailer, we only have Disney + and Stan

Re: Not Coping

Oh, it's on Netflix. I'm not sure about the other two sorry @ArraDreaming 

Fair enough, I hope the family times go well. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 regarding being punished, has it been explained what you might have done to cause what happened? Remember, you're very fragile at the moment and hypersensitive. I understand how you feel because I take things too personally all the time.

You and I take rejection harder than most because of how we had to grow up. Because of that, we think we're being rejected but we actually aren't my sweet girl.

You are blessed with incredible logic as well as your feelings of rejection. 

Instead of you being the target of punishment, pretend it's me telling you that what happened to you has happened to me. What advice would you give me?

(You have given me a lot of good advice too, I value your thoughts)


Re: Not Coping

@ArraDreaming I wish there were more men like you, putting your partner before your online interactions. Your wife is a lucky lady 😀

Re: Not Coping

Our baby has finally gotten better at going to sleep at night so it’s nice to have some time back… feels like ships in the night sometimes, ok will see what we can find @Birdofparadise8
Anyway night mate

Re: Not Coping

Well, yes, but I don't think it's justifiable. 

Yeah, I know it doesn't make it any easier. 

How can I be blessed with feeling rejected?

Hmm, honestly, I don't know. I'm still pretty upset. @ENKELI 

Re: Not Coping

@ENKELI  add tax to my self worth. What kind of tax?
Like an energy tax? 
I’m not very clever with these things @ENKELI you’ll have to educate me.

But I am a keen learner.



Re: Not Coping

Sorry @Birdofparadise8 I meant blessed with logic as well as being "cursed" with deep feelings of rejection. It's definitely not feeling like a blessing, feeling such high emotions. 

Let me tell you about my workplace. So we have "D" who has been in the job about 2 months longer than me. Then there is "K" who started a week before me. We also have "M" who has been there about 6 months. M makes lots of mistakes so it was decided that D would be the kind of team leader. D and K are very friendly so D will tell K what is going on during the day but not tell me. So I get stuck doing all the crappy tasks whole K gets to do what she wants which includes not answering the phone, chatting with the guys in the warehouse or chatting with D.

D will show K new tasks but not me. And if I make a mistake D blames me when it's her fault because she didn't show me the right way.

I love my job and the people I work with, even D and especially K but I'm starting to wonder if I can deal with the obvious favouritism long term. 

Have you got any advice princess? What do you think I should do?


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