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Re: Not Coping



Are you referring to the job you only recently got? Are they giving you grief already? From what I gather, you work so hard for them!

Re: Not Coping

Ah, okay, that makes sense. I'm happy K has apologised. Mmm, can you make it anonymous with HR about D. You would want to get another job before leaving this one? I still don't have a job, and it's been nearly 7 - 8 months. 

Okay, I'll just do that topping. 

Yeah, I know. I wish I could, too. Oh no, his response was good. We both thought it was a good idea to call on Wednesday, and they took it okay and said they would respond, but in the email today, they didn't take it well and said it wasn't good. We did it. My psych was just as confused with why it made things worse for me. We will discuss it next week. See, this is the thing: so many things keep happening each week. How can I not see my psych weekly lol. Sorry, I might not have made it clear what he said about the issue. I just don't like having to wait until Monday. 

Yeah, they are both back home. To be honest, their cleaning isn't the best, so it's best if I do it myself.

What are you doing tonight @ENKELI? I'm just washing up. I needed to stop for a minute, lol.

How can I help you feel less lonely? I'm here with you. I'm here to help.  

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 you've already made me feel less lonely my princess 👸 

No, I can't complain about Ds treatment anonymously because there is only her, myself, K and another lady M who is also on leave at the moment. K and D are friends so D would know it came from me.

I will suck it up for as long as I can and also look around for other jobs. 

How was your dinner BTW? 

Lol I know what you mean with cleaning. My brother is hopeless and usually I end up having to re-wash dishes or vacuum because he's done a dodgy job! I'm not supposed to vacuum because of my shoulder and the disc degeneration in my neck but it has to be done.

I'm feeling better now that I'm chatting with you 👸💐😘💙👑

Re: Not Coping

Aww, that's okay. You make my day saying that. 

I'm sorry you have to do that. Maybe you could look at medical admin. Have you thought of a ward clerk? That's the interview I had yesterday. 

Very yummy. What did you have? 

Yeah, cleaning, hahaha. Oh, I'm sorry about your shoulder and neck. 

You're warming my heart, saying that. You make me feel less lonely, too. It's funny how we are hundreds of kilometres away from each other but can make each other less lonely. @ENKELI 

What are you doing for the weekend? Will you join the chat on Sunday?

Re: Not Coping

@tyme thanks sweetie. There are 4 of us in the team, M who is around my age, then K and D who are 20 years younger. D favours K and usually gets her to do the things she likes and then she gets me to do things like answer calls and emails. I don't mind but it would be nice to share the workload more fairly. 

I am not looking forward to D coming back on Monday from her week's leave because I can almost bet she'll tell me everything I did wrong while praising K who is just perfect in Ds eyes.

I like the job and the people I work with, even D. I'm just hurt that I'm always excluded and then get told by D that she's shown me the right way to do things when she hasn't. And she's bull headed, won't apologise or admit she's wrong.

I know my memory isn't the best (thank you antidepressants for the memory problems, thank you very much lol!) so I write everything down. I can prove that she hasn't taught me something but she still argues that I'm wrong.

I'll just keep at it and sends some heavenly requests about what to do.

And the thing that makes me laugh is that K and D had to apply for their jobs, HR actually reached out to me and asked me to join the team. I wish I could throw that in their faces but that's petty rubbish that would make things even more uncomfortable. 

Sorry for my long winded reply, it's been bubbling up all week.

How are you going my precious tyme? How's your week been?

Re: Not Coping

@Glisten hey my friend. Happy Friday night!

No I didn't have dinner with momsie, offered but I wasn't that hungry at the time.

I noticed you write mom. Are you North American by chance?

Glad you enjoyed the chat, I am hoping to get online one of these days to join in.

If it's okay to ask, how does your ADHD affect your daily life, as well as your MH?

If you're not comfortable answering please don't feel you have to 💙🫂

Re: Not Coping

Hi @ENKELI I know your question was for @Glisten sorry to Barg in I have adhd as well and it definitely does affect me every day

Re: Not Coping


I'm going to have to say goodnight in a few min. 

I do hope you have a good rest of your night. I'm sorry I can't stay around for longer. 

Hey @ArraDreaming I hope your first week full time went well. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 you're like my friend in the US. I haven't seen her in many years but we still chat up a storm when we can. I feel as if I've known you forever sometimes!

So long as I get you to at least smile that makes me happy 🤗

I had potato bake that one of the women my brother works with made. I wasn't all that hungry so that was enough. I was greedy at work and had a ham & cheese croissant for morning tea and then an egg sammich (sandwich) at about 2 so I didn't need a larger portion for dinner. 

I am going to Bunnings tomorrow, do a grocery shop and then I want to rearrange my Tupperware in the pantry. It keeps multiplying I swear! The door hardly closes as it is!

So the discussion you can't discuss, was it about someone who you think may have done or said something you felt was overly harsh?

This is where I wish we were able to chat privately. I know the anonymity is for our own safety though so I need to remind myself how lucky I am that I get to connect with you and the other members I've grown close to 💐💙🫂

I won't make any promises about Sunday, I want to join in but sometimes feel a bit anxious about it.

What about you? Aside from cleaning that is 😘

Re: Not Coping

Sleep well my princess 👸 😴💐🫂💙👑

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