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Re: Not Coping

@ArraDreaming  Sorry for butting in. I wanted to guess the project that you were going to Bunnings for.

An internal security screen for the toddler gymnast? LOL 😂 

That kid is already an Olympian.


Re: Not Coping

lol well you will be please to know we found an answer @Glisten
Lock door he’s been getting outside from with key, lock it from outside because he can get the inside lock undone easily, get back inside through another door that locks with a key but that one locks from both in and out… so I can lock that one with a key when I get back inside
Would I trust it in a fire? No
Does it stop our 3 year old escapee child? Yes so let’s just leave it at that lol
Why can’t all internal doors not just lock with a key? Why only some

Re: Not Coping

@ArraDreaming you have ADHD bonus anxiety. I wonder if @Jynx has anxiety with her ADHD?

@ArraDreaming mate are you being honest or hard on your good self, about needing ADHD medication?

How does ADHD affect you and your family? You don’t have to answer that question.

My son has the worst ADHD emotional meltdowns if something goes wrong. Not at all measured and he 39. He is only using Medicinal Cannabis Therapy costs a fortune.


Re: Not Coping

Hey @Birdofparadise8 ,


I haven't seen the post yet. I'll have a look.


Yeah COVID. It's my second time this year. That's okay. It is what it is.


Hope you have a good day.

Re: Not Coping

That sucks. How many times have you had it @tyme 

Re: Not Coping

Yeah @Birdofparadise8 she was sick last week too… has had a pretty awful run… we know what it is just trying to get treatment for it

Re: Not Coping

Oh my stars LOL @ArraDreaming Your 3 year old reminds me of my son at the same age 😂 

I could hear mine calling me. Walked around the outside perimeter of the house, couldn’t see him, could still hear him.

Looked up. He was at the top of a windmill. No fear of heights. With my heat in my mouth, I watched climb down fine. Very proud of himself.

I told him how clever he was and I was very proud that he got down safely. That “you are so good climbing, you can climb all the trees in the yard and your swings. But can the adults have the windmill just for themselves?”

It worked. Parenting is HARD to do well.



Re: Not Coping

@tyme sad you got COVID. My friend is still suffering from long COVID, needs to see a cardiologist as a result.

I still haven’t caught COVID or any other of the viruses. Starting to feel guilty about it.


Re: Not Coping

COVID is one things I'm not going to share with you. @Glisten  LOL

Re: Not Coping

@tyme  is that your way of saying, I should be feeling guilty about not getting any of the viruses? LOL

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